Quality Assurance Policy

To provide a reliable and efficient service relating to the provision of mechanical, electrical and heating services to its Customers, whilst conforming to the Company’s objectives and statutory, regulatory and safety regulations.

To maintain a management system that meets the requirements of International Standards and includes quality system objectives that are regularly reviewed by the management Team.

To provide resources that will maintain and improve the management system in order to meeting the requirements of its Customers and to enhance Customer satisfaction.

To facilitate communication throughout the Company, monitor Customer satisfaction and to continuously monitor the Quality Management System and the Quality Policy in order to improve their suitability and effectiveness.

To establish a documented quality system that will allow the Company to fulfill its contractual obligations by:
Ensuring that all activities that directly affect the quality of service are carried out under     
controlled conditions.
The continuous monitoring and analysis of quality indications that provide data to enable    continual improvement against the Customer’s needs and expectations
Providing resources, up to date instructions and training to all personnel, together with the promotion of quality awareness.

We recognize that this quality will be achieved by:

Our pledge to conduct our business in an ethical manner to sustain and enhance our supplier and customer relationships.
Establishing an environment that is conducive to performance excellence.
Continuously strive to improve our products, services, and processes.
  • A total quality management approach where every employee, supplier and customer is an essential component.








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